behind the pain
someone is rejoicing
behind the torture
there is love
who’s going to buy
this bullshit
if you don’t become the ocean
you’ll be seasick
every day
Poem | Good Advice for Someone Like Me by Leonard Cohen
if you don’t become the ocean
you’ll be seasick
every day
Someone introduced me to this quote and I found it particularly stirring. I honestly don't know what the entire poem is supposed to mean and I don't super care to seek it out.
The reason it spoke to me is because it's, in some sense, how I decided I would approach my depression. Rather than trying to resist the feelings and deny the thoughts it brought, instead of trying to run from them and climb out of the muck, I decided to lay in it. I stopped fighting the waves. The energy it took to out swim the current was tiring and wasn’t working anyways. So I decided to be consumed by it, to let the flow take me where it wanted. I stopped making attempts to push it out. I accepted all of it and let it all pass through. I decided to let the murky tendrils drag me to some unknown and seemingly dismal place.
Do what you are here to do.
I’ve been there, to a depth of zero visibility. And I’ve come back. Of course not the same person I was. There is, as their should be, transformation in the storm. Emerged. I became the ocean.