So Let's Put It All Out There

Let's rip the bandaid off.

I've been *officially* diagnosed with the following:

  • Attention Deficit Disorder

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  • Bipolar II Disorder *EDITED Nov 2019 - my newest psych says not. Just Major Depressive Disorder with Anhedonia

*Unofficially* I would add:

  • Learning Disorder Not Otherwise Specified - something about reading in particular

  • Anhedonia

  • Some mild inconsistent Sensory Processing things

*Official meaning multiple licensed practitioners have said it. Unofficial means I've researched what I was struggling with and found out there was a name for it.*

Now something to be noted is that all the things listed have high comorbidity and many of the symptoms overlap. I find the names useful only for quick and simple communication of the general phenomenon. Of course, what the individual is ACTUALLY dealing with is what's most important.

... but yeah. The DSM and I are not strangers.

The Black Ivy League